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3 Aug

Mortgage Renewal

Mortgage Tips

Posted by: John Abella

The #1 mistake most people make when renewing their mortgage is signing the renewal letter that they get in the mail.

Banks send these letters out 6 to 12 months before your renewal date hoping you just sign and send them back.

They’re trying to make it so easy for you to renew your mortgage that you don’t even think about the money you’re potentially leaving on the table. 📃

▶ No advice is given with these letters.
▶ No strategy is given.
▶ No checking in on your personal situation to see what has changed from the last time you got your mortgage.

It’s strictly a cash grab for the banks. 💵

I’m a renewal specialist and I have certain strategies that can help you save thousands of dollars at renewal time.

We start planning six months before your renewal date. 📅

If you know anyone who has a mortgage renewing in 2024, we need to chat.

They should be strategizing 6 months prior to and having a proper consultation to make sure they’re in the right mortgage product with the right interest rate.

A 15 minute phone call is all it takes to get started. 📲